Word 2007 - changing order of pages



Is there a way of changing the order of pages, without inserting blank pages
and cutting and pasting the text?

Stefan Blom

Word is not a page layout application, so it doesn't let you work directly
with pages. But note that you can move text around simply by cutting and
pasting; there's no need to insert page breaks first.

Also, note that if you have been using the built-in headings, you can move
headings and their subordinate text in Outline view (see
http://word.mvps.org/faqs/formatting/UsingOLView.htm for the general

Terry Farrell

You should also look at the SPIKE command. Spike lets you cut selections to
a 'Spike' (which uses a separate area of memory from the Office Clipboard)
and then paste them back in one go. So you can go through spiking
non-contiguous selections in the correct order you want them and then paste
the 'spike'.

Spike = Control+F3 or you can add the command to your QAT.

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