Word 2007 crash



I regularly import files from my lecturer who uses 2003 to use for study.
Problem is that every time I import the file and Word opens in compatability
mode it crashes as soon as I try to save or print the document (these are
usually the only actions I take with the docs) The version of Office I have
is 2007 Ultimate (the one offered to Uni students to download for $75) I am
starting to think I should have saved my money. Can anyone help?

Graham Mayor

Start with http://www.gmayor.com/what_to_do_when_word_crashes.htm
When you next open the document, from the file > open dialog, click the tiny
arrow to the right of the open button and select open and repair. Does that
allow you to open it then print/save it without problem?

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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I open the files as a link which opens Word 2007 itself, So the open dialog
does not come into it (at least I don't think so - not very computer smart) I
had a look at the file open dialog and could not see an arrow near open am I
blind? I could not see a repair option on anything.

Graham Mayor

You will have to open it from Word if you wish to use the repair function.
The little arrow is attached to the Open button in the file open dialog!

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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The problem is that the document cannot be opened from word. It is a link to
a document at the university I have tried to open the document a variety of
ways: new window, save target as (with the goal of then going file open) all
unsuccessfully the university website will not allow download any other way.
so I am back to the original question How do I get word 2007 not to crash as
soon as I try to take any action on a 2003 document opened as a link????

Graham Mayor

I am not sure that you can - you need to sort this out with the University's
IT support and get them to update the file to make it usable by students
with 2007.

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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Herb Tyson [MVP]

But, are you saying that it doesn't crash until/unless you try to save or
print the document?

If so... try this immediately after the document appears: Ctrl+A (select
all), Ctrl+N (new document), Ctrl+V (paste). Does this work? Can you then
save the copy of the document?

Is the link you're using open so that others can access it? If so, then if
you email the link to me, I can try it to see if there's a better way to go
about this. My email address is h e r b at herbtyson.com, without any


But, are you saying that it doesn't crash until/unless you try to save or
print the document?

If so... try this immediately after the document appears: Ctrl+A (select
all), Ctrl+N (new document), Ctrl+V (paste). Does this work? Can you then
save the copy of the document?

Is the link you're using open so that others can access it? If so, then if
you email the link to me, I can try it to see if there's a better way to go
about this. My email address is h e r b at herbtyson.com, without any

Sorry to intrude, but I think you may have left out one little instruction:

Looks like there should be a Ctrl+C (copy) in between the Ctrl+A and Ctrl+N,

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac


copying and pasting did not work either... thanks for the suggestion. I
think I will go see the IT guys at the Uni tomorrow and see if they have a
suggestion surely they might have an idea :) I will let you all know what
happens thanks again for the help I really appreciate it.


Try right clicking on the link and save target to your documents...then use
the Word Open as Graham suggested


Unfortunately I have tried this one :) the website I download from will not
allow save target as :(

Graham Mayor

I suspect this is at the heart of the issue. Word is unable to create its
temporary files because of the limitations imnposed by the web site.

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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so is there a way around it? I spoke to the IT section at the uni - they were
no help as they still use 2003 they are unfamiliar with the problem and how
to fix it.

Graham Mayor

Can you post the link (privately to the link on my web site if you prefer)
so that I can see what is involved?

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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