Word 2007 - cross reference to figure reproduces figure plus capti



I have a problem that seems to have just occurred in Word 2007. I am trying
to you cross reference to give me a figure number. This normally works fine
but in the document I have been working on, it has suddenly started copying
the figure in addition to the caption and number when I insert a cross
reference. I have shut down Word and restarted, rebooted my machine and
restarted, and even copied the text up to (but not including) the figures I
am trying to reference in to a new, blank document, reproduced the figures in
question (Charts from Excel pasted in as Enhanced Metafile pictures) but the
problem persists. Does anyone have any ideas what might be causing this? I
have also just noticed, in my newly created document, the cross reference
labels for the figures that give rise to this problem begin with a forward
slash (i.e. "/Figure 3..." etc). If anyone has any idea of how to get rid of
this behaviour, I would really appreciate it as I must admit, I am stumped...
With best wishes, Boris.


Just some extra info...
I have just created a new blank document, copied the two charts that are
causing all my grief in to this document as Enhanced Metafiles, added a bland
caption to each and then tried to cross reference to them... Again, the cross
reference copies the chart as well as label and number! And again the figures
are preceded by a forward slash ("/") in the cross-reference dialogue box.
So, perhaps it is something specific to these two charts? Any ideas anyone?
Please please?
Many thanks and best wishes, Boris.


One more piece of information...
I have checked the fields that have been inserted by the cross-reference for
these two charts (stacked bar charts with two ordinate axes and one series
formatted as a line) and other charts than I pasted in as Microsoft Excel
Object for which the cross reference works as expected. The format of these
(ie those that work and those that also copy the pasted graphic and therefore
do not work) is exactly the same:
{REF_Refsomenumber\h} or {REF-Refsomenumber\p\h} when cross referencing
above \ below rather than "only label and number"...
As some of the charts copied in as pictures worked as expected before, but
no longer appear to, I suspect something has happened with the way Word puts
in the (hidden) bookmarks to embedded pictures.
I would be pulling my hair out - if I had any left! If anyone has any ideas,
I would really appreciate it.
Best wishes, Boris.

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