word 2007 drawing order



In the word 2007 beta when you place a basic shape in a drawing you can not
alter its Z order currently... this is pretty stupid, I would imagine this
will be fixed soon but until then do something please!

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Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Mick,

I'm not clear on what area of Word you're working in but I think it's in a Drawing Canvas

You can change the z order of shapes in the document area in Word 2007 to the same extent that you could in earlier versions
(forward/back in the stack and to the front/back) of the stack.

In the drawing canvas (Insert=>Insert Shapes=>New Drawing) the arrange and order choices are presently not functioning, as you

Quick Workarounds Tried
1. You can select an item that may be partially covered and cut it, then select the object you want it to go over and then paste to
have the z order change. It's a bit messy, but it also seems to lock things in groups later.

2. Select the objects you want to arrange while in Print layout view and viewing the full page then drag them off of the canvas and
the right click 'order' choice should now work. Arrange then drag back to the drawing canvas (order choice greys). Resize the
drawing canvas (bottom border may grow below where you dragged the items) back to what you need. Note this may be difficult unless
you're on a page with nothing below the Canvas.

Let us know if that leads to additional odd behavior in the apps and be sure to send the feedback into Microsoft using the 2007
feedback tool from the last link below.

In the word 2007 beta when you place a basic shape in a drawing you can not
alter its Z order currently... this is pretty stupid, I would imagine this
will be fixed soon but until then do something please! >>
I hope this helped you,

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

Read about it, try it, or watch the movie :)
the 2007 Microsoft Office system iinfo is at

Already have 2007 Office System Beta 2?
Send Microsoft your feedback (with pictures)


Hi Mick

This can be 'fixed' by changing the wrapping options of the drawing grid,
e.g. to "Square". I found that doing this allowed me to change z-order as
normal. You can then return wrapping to "In line with text" after any

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