Word 2007 - English (UK) grammar and spell checking problems



I recently upgraded to Office 2007 (from Office XP plus Excel 2007 beta 2),
having first removed my previous Office installations and then installed the
new Office version (Professional Plus). However, I cannot perform spelling or
grammar check with my default language (English UK) - if I do, Word tells me
that it cannot find the proofing tools for English (UK)... If I try to load
the thesaurus, I get an even stronger error (Microsoft Office Word cannot
open the thesaurus... Windows Installer error 1605...). Thing however seem to
be OK if I select English (US) as my language (but that does not help me
much!). I have tried repairing the installation and have tried manually
copying the MSGR3EN.dll to a (manually created) 2057 subdirectory of ....
Microsoft Shared\Proof but to no avail. Can anyone help fix this error or
suggest a possible work around? There are no updates of Office 2007 and no
options that I can find that would enable the English (UK) language settings
to work properly...
Any help greatly appreciated.
Many thanks and best wishes, Boris.

Cindy M.

Hi =?Utf-8?B?Qm9yaXM=?=,
I recently upgraded to Office 2007 (from Office XP plus Excel 2007 beta 2),
having first removed my previous Office installations and then installed the
new Office version (Professional Plus). However, I cannot perform spelling or
grammar check with my default language (English UK) - if I do, Word tells me
that it cannot find the proofing tools for English (UK)... If I try to load
the thesaurus, I get an even stronger error (Microsoft Office Word cannot
open the thesaurus... Windows Installer error 1605...). Thing however seem to
be OK if I select English (US) as my language (but that does not help me
much!). I have tried repairing the installation and have tried manually
copying the MSGR3EN.dll to a (manually created) 2057 subdirectory of ....
Microsoft Shared\Proof but to no avail. Can anyone help fix this error or
suggest a possible work around? There are no updates of Office 2007 and no
options that I can find that would enable the English (UK) language settings
to work properly...
If you still haven't gotten this to work, try asking in the Office.setup

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Jun 17 2005)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or reply
in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)


Dear Cindy,
Many thanks for your response. In the meantime, I have uninstalled the
Office 2007 system and completely reinstalled. Although the installation
appears to be identical, the writing tools of UK now work fine and I assume I
had some rogue setting in the registry that was not corrected by a simple
"repair". Thanks foryour suggestion though. And I do have a further query
that I have posted to this gropup but perhaps should also post to the office
setup group: the Svae As PDF or XPS add-on always fails when I try to use it
and I have not been able, as yet, top save even extremely simple text only
documents to either XPS or PDF. I wonder if this might be as I have Acrobat
Profeesional 8 installed (although I am still awaiting the update for support
of Office 2007 from Adobe) but, should you have any ideas or suggestions, I
would be most grateful if you could share them.
Many thanks again ad bes wishes, Boris.

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