Word 2007 Envelopes (font default and compatability mode?)




I have just upgraded to Office 2007 and have run into two issues. The first
problem occurred when I was trying to print out a delivery address on an
envelope. On the first go through, the printer printed gibberish. For the
second go around, I went to the Options button and then to the Font button
for the delivery address and changed it from "+Headings" to "Times New
Roman." It worked with that as the font, so I decided I wanted to change the
default settings to "Times New Roman"; however Word has other ideas, which is
where this news group comes in. After trying to save it as default and
clicking yes, I went ahead and printed on to be sure it still worked. It
did, but when I went back into print another with a different address on it,
it was back to "+Headings." So I changed the default again back to "Times
New Roman." Yet it refuses to keep "Times New Roman" as the default. Why
and how can I change it permanently? I did some research and tried these
same steps inside the Normal11.dot and Normal.dotm files and it resulted in
the same behavior of refusing to save "Times New Roman" instead of
"+Headings" as default. So some help to make this happen would be greatly

For my second issue that I need help with, it was that a co-worker called me
who was also trying to print envelope delivery addresses. On her screen,
however, instead of getting a dialog box where you could type in the delivery
address, it went straight to the Envelope Options dialog box. It seems as
though it treated the entire word document as a delivery address. I could
not figure out how they turned this "feature" on and so I couldn't turn it
off. So instead, I opened another word document, copied the text from the
document that was dysfunctional, and pasted it into a new document and saved
over the old one. This reverted the behavior back to its old self. My
question with this is, how did my co-worker manage to make this change?
Please tell me so I can go directly to the setting and fix the problem next

Thank you for your time and hopefully help.

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