Word 2007 Font.Color fun



Can someone please help me understand what gives with Font.Color values in
Word 2007?

Recording a macro to see the Font values for Heading 1 style in a new 2007
document, the Color value is:

..Color = -738148353

I don't think this corresponds to an RGB value, even though the 2007 VBA
Help says the Font.Color property:

"Returns or sets the 24-bit color for the specified Font object. Can be any
valid WdColor constant or a value returned by Visual Basic's RGB function."

If I record a macro where I select Heading 1 style, choose Modify > Format >
Font, click OK to close the Font dialog, then OK again to close the Modify
Style dialog, the Color value is:

..Color = 9527094

Exact (?) same colour, very different value, which is an RGB colour.

Does anyone know how to get the correct RGB colour value in the first place
without having to drill down through dialogs? I need the RGB colour for a VB

Many thanks for any help.


Hi Klaus

Thanks very much for those links. They're quite helpful. I'd seen part 1
of the proofficedev explanation but not part 2.

Also quite dispiriting. Yikes.

Am I missing something? Why on earth did MS change the ground rules so
drastically (and faultily)?

I don't understand the need for all this complexity about font colors. It
would be one thing if they decided to upgrade their colour system to proper
CMYK instead of RGB. But to base colouring on themes? The themes business
seems so OTT and beside the point, especially in a corporate context. It's
especially disappointing that MS' Help files on the subject are incomplete
and conflict with how the app works (you get one non-RGB colour number value
for an RGB property until you open and close a dialog without changing the
colour and then you get a different value that's actually RGB???).

Part 2 of Tony's proofficedev article mentions that while his code appears
correct it generates slightly different results depending on context, which
he suspects is due to a rounding problem in the innards of Word but the
algorithms MS uses for colour valuing are not exposed or documented so Tony
can't troubleshoot or explain it. Poor guy, bless him for trying but really
MS - what's up with that?

Forgive me if I'm rehashing an old thread somewhere but if anyone from MS is
listening: Is there rational explanation for why the colour system had to be
so drastically changed and yet not documented? (By rational explanation I
mean something that delivers significant business benefits to corporate
customers, benefits that outweigh the costs of trying to make the new system
work properly.) Were font colours so broken that you had to "fix" them this
way? Any chance the "fix" will get fixed?

Anyway, thanks again Klaus

Tony Jollans

Poor guy, bless him for trying but really ...

Thank you :)

The idea for consistent colour schemes across the whole of Office is good -
and the basic idea of themes is good, too, but I think not yet understood by

The problem is in the inconsistent approach both within and between
applications - in the UI, never mind VBA. It looks as though the edict to
use themes came down and each application development team did what (dare I
say the minimum that) they could to squeeze it into their own little corner
of their own application without any kind of consideration of the wider

As a side note, the fact that I can't get the HSL conversions to give the
same result as Word really annoys me - Microsoft do not expose anything
anywhere to do with HSL yet they use it themselves in all sorts of places -
the only reason I can think of for this is that they know they haven't got
it right.


Hi Tony

You're welcome! I'm sure there's a lot of people who are really grateful
for your putting in the time to figure out what MS has done.

I've been trying the code you posted in your two articles and I'm getting
odd results - as with the Microsoft code, I get different rgb values when I
test the Heading 1 style colour out of the box vs applied through the Font
dialog. I'm sure the problem is either with what MS is doing behind the
scenes or with my misunderstanding of their new colour modelling. In any
case I was hoping you might be able to help.

Out of the box (recorded in a macro) the Heading 1 Font.Color property is:

..Color = -738148353

if I record a second macro and go into the Font Color drop down in the style
editing dialog, choose More Colors and click OK (to accept the current
selection), the value recorded by the macro is:

..Color = 9527094

In the dialog the RGB values are 54 / 95 / 145.

When I run your Colours2 macro on Heading 1 out of the box, the rgb values
are 79 / 129 / 189 with a darkness of .25 (25%).

When I run your Colours2 macro on Heading 1 after I go into the Font Color
drop down in the style editing dialog, choose More Colors and click OK (to
accept the current selection), your macro retutrns RGB values of 54 / 95 /
145, as it should.

If I run your HSLtoRGB macro using the following values:

HSLtoRGB RGB(79,129,189),0,0,.25

I get the RGB value of 12566463 which isn't either one of the RGB value the
Microsoft code produces. That might be because I'm incorrectly passing 0 for
both H and S parameters in the HSLtoRGB macro, or the wrong L value. I don't
know how to tell what the H and S values would be and the RGB return value is
different yet again if I supply .75 instead of .25 as the L argument.

I'm stumped how to convert the out of the box value MS has assigned to the
Heading 1 Font.Color property into a proper RGB value programmatically rather
than manually going into the style editing dialog and accepting the font
color first.

From the above can you see where I'm going wrong?

Again many thanks...

Tony Jollans

I'm not quite sure what you have done. 12566463 is RGB(191,191,191) - the
colour with hue 0 (but irrelevant because saturation is zero - the colour is
on the central axis of the hsl bicone, has indeterminate hue and is just a
shade of grey), saturation 0, and luminance 0.25 - a quarter of the way from
white to black.

The HSLtoRGB function is just a conversion routine; it accepts a fully
specified HSL colour and returns the RGB equivalent - it does not adjust the
colour itself.

If you take the the Colours2 routine from Part 1 of the proofficedev
article, and the QuerySchemeColor, RGBtoHSL, RGBtoHSL (and H2C) routines
from part 2 of the article - and run Colours2 with the selection in your
Heading1 it should tell you 55, 96, 146 - 1 'out' on each of the RGB
elements. That code works with the selection.font.color but you could change
it to work with a test driver: copy the SchemeColorProperty from part 1,
change the beginning of Colours2 to this:

Sub Colours2(TestColour)

Dim HexString As String
HexString = Right$(String$(7, "0") & Hex$(TestColour), 8)
' etc. as was

(make it accept an argument and use said argument in the Hex conversion)

and then drive with something like this:

Sub Test()
' This should give the RGB for Accent1, 25% darker (Heading1
Colours2 CLng(SchemeColorProperty(wdThemeColorAccent1, -0.25))
End Sub

Does that help?


Thanks for the suggested code. I tried new code you suggested and I got the
same results as I posted previously. The out of the box RGB values for
Heading 1 default are 79 / 129 / 189 darkness of 25%. If I go into the style
dialog and just open the font color dialog then immediately close it (without
changing anything) and then run your code again your code message box says
it's an RGB color with values of 54 / 95 / 145.

It looks like the problem isn't with your code or with anything I'm doing,
the problem is that the default value for theme colours isn't strictly RGB
even though MS says it's supposed to be.

Would you have any ideas about how to programmatically convert that non-RGB
default value (79 / 129 / 189 darkness of 25%) to plain old RGB? Would I use
HSLtoRGB for that? I tried doing that ("HSLtoRGB RGB(79,129,189),0,0,.25")
but seem to have used the wrong parameters because I got 12566463 which is
RGB(191,191,191). QuerySchemeColor gave me the same 79 / 129 / 189 darkness
of 25% that I got using Colours2.

And really thank you for your patience!

Tony Jollans

How are you using HSLtoGRB? It takes 4 arguments - an output RGB and three
inputs: H, S, and L. Called like this: "HSLtoRGB RGB(79,129,189),0,0,.25",
as you state, it looks at the input HSL (0,0,0.25) and converts that to RGB,
overwriting whatever was in the RGB variable passed to it.

When you copy the code from proofficedev make sure you take QuerySchemeColor
from Part 2 (the version in Part 1 is but a step on the way and will indeed
return what you say).


I'm using the correct code (there's no actual code in part 1's

I thnk I'm calling HSLtoRGB correctly, with 4 arguments:

HSLtoRGB RGB(79,129,189),0,0,.25

Why would "RGB(79,129,189)" return 0? Shouldn't RGB(79,129,189) return the
long RGB value of "R79, G129, B189"?

In any case below is a copy of the code I'm using. The only modifications
I've made to your posted code are as follows:

In Colours2 I added "Call QuerySchemeColor(HexString)" to Case FF and
commented out the messagebox line in that case. That added line is a copy
and paste of your code at Case D4 To DF.

In QuerySchemeColour I added the following lines at the end. I only did
this because it seems that HSLtoRGB isn't recognising the function RGB as a
valid first argument - I figured I'd try passing a long value as the first
argument to see if I got any different results.Dim lngr As Long
Dim lngg As Long
Dim lngb As Long
Dim lngrgb As Long

lngr = CLng("&H" & Mid$(ThemeColorHex, 7, 2))
lngg = CLng("&H" & Mid$(ThemeColorHex, 5, 2))
lngb = CLng("&H" & Mid$(ThemeColorHex, 3, 2))
lngrgb = RGB(lngr, lngg, lngb)

HSLtoRGB lngrgb, 0, 0, 0.25

In HSLtoRGB I added "MsgBox RGB" to the end to display the RGB value that
that macro ends up with. (Can I make a suggestion? Isn't RGB the name of a
VB function? You might want to change the name of that variable.)

No matter what selection I run Colours2 from, HSLtoRGB returns "4210752".

From the following code can you see what I'm doing wrong?

Thanks again, code follows...

Sub Colours2()

Dim HexString As String
HexString = Right$(String$(7, "0") & Hex$(Selection.Font.Color), 8)

Select Case Left$(HexString, 2)

Case "00"
If HexString = "00C8C67F" Then
MsgBox "The colour of the Selection is not all the same"
MsgBox "The colour is an RGB value:" & vbCr & _
"Red: " & _
CLng("&H" & Mid$(HexString, 7, 2)) & vbCr & _
"Green: " & _
CLng("&H" & Mid$(HexString, 5, 2)) & vbCr & _
"Blue: " & _
CLng("&H" & Mid$(HexString, 3, 2))
End If

Case "FF"
Call QuerySchemeColor(HexString)
'MsgBox "The colour is set to the default of 'Automatic'"

Case "80"
MsgBox "The colour is an OLE Color"

Case "D4" To "DF"
Call QuerySchemeColor(HexString)

Case Else
MsgBox "The colour is of an unknown type." & vbCr & _
"The code is: 0x" & HexString

End Select
End Sub

Sub QuerySchemeColor(HexString As String)

Dim SchemeColorByte As String
Dim ZeroByte As String
Dim DarknessByte As String
Dim LightnessByte As String

Dim SchemeColor As Long
Dim Darkness As Long
Dim Lightness As Long

Dim SchemeColorName As String
Dim TintingAndShading As String

SchemeColorByte = Mid$(HexString, 1, 2)
ZeroByte = Mid$(HexString, 3, 2)
DarknessByte = Mid$(HexString, 5, 2)
LightnessByte = Mid$(HexString, 7, 2)

SchemeColor = "&H" & Right$(SchemeColorByte, 1)

' New variables
Dim ThemeColor As MsoThemeColorSchemeIndex
Dim ThemeColorRGB As Long
Dim ThemeColorHex As String

' Changed translation, now to theme colour scheme index
Select Case SchemeColor
Case wdThemeColorMainDark1: ThemeColor = msoThemeDark1
Case wdThemeColorMainLight1: ThemeColor = msoThemeLight1
Case wdThemeColorMainDark2: ThemeColor = msoThemeDark2
Case wdThemeColorMainLight2: ThemeColor = msoThemeLight2
Case wdThemeColorAccent1: ThemeColor = msoThemeAccent1
Case wdThemeColorAccent2: ThemeColor = msoThemeAccent2
Case wdThemeColorAccent3: ThemeColor = msoThemeAccent3
Case wdThemeColorAccent4: ThemeColor = msoThemeAccent4
Case wdThemeColorAccent5: ThemeColor = msoThemeAccent5
Case wdThemeColorAccent6: ThemeColor = msoThemeAccent6
Case wdThemeColorHyperlink: ThemeColor = msoThemeHyperlink
Case wdThemeColorHyperlinkFollowed:
ThemeColor = msoThemeFollowedHyperlink
Case wdThemeColorBackground1: ThemeColor = msoThemeLight1
Case wdThemeColorText1: ThemeColor = msoThemeDark1
Case wdThemeColorBackground2: ThemeColor = msoThemeLight2
Case wdThemeColorText2: ThemeColor = msoThemeDark2
Case Else: ' This shouldn't really ever happen
End Select

' Pick up the RGB and translate to a hex string
ThemeColorRGB = _
ThemeColorHex = Right$(String$(7, "0") & Hex$(ThemeColorRGB), 8)

Lightness = 100 - ("&H" & LightnessByte) / &HFF * 100
Darkness = 100 - ("&H" & DarknessByte) / &HFF * 100

If Lightness = 0 Then
If Darkness = 0 Then
TintingAndShading = ""
TintingAndShading = ", Darker " & Darkness & "%"
End If
TintingAndShading = ", Lighter " & Lightness & "%"
End If

Dim lngr As Long
Dim lngg As Long
Dim lngb As Long
Dim lngrgb As Long

lngr = CLng("&H" & Mid$(ThemeColorHex, 7, 2))
lngg = CLng("&H" & Mid$(ThemeColorHex, 5, 2))
lngb = CLng("&H" & Mid$(ThemeColorHex, 3, 2))
lngrgb = RGB(lngr, lngg, lngb)

HSLtoRGB lngrgb, 0, 0, 0.25

' Display the colour instead of the scheme name
MsgBox "The colour is: " & _
"Red: " & CLng("&H" & Mid$(ThemeColorHex, 7, 2)) & _
", Green: " & CLng("&H" & Mid$(ThemeColorHex, 5, 2)) & _
", Blue: " & CLng("&H" & Mid$(ThemeColorHex, 3, 2)) & _

End Sub

Sub HSLtoRGB(RGB As Long, H As Double, S As Double, L As Double)

Dim R As Double
Dim G As Double
Dim B As Double

Dim HR As Double
Dim HG As Double
Dim HB As Double

Dim X As Double
Dim Y As Double

If S = 0 Then

R = L
G = L
B = L


Select Case L
Case Is < 0.5: X = L * (1 + S)
Case Else: X = L + S - (L * S)
End Select

Y = 2 * L - X

HR = IIf(H > 2 / 3, H - 2 / 3, H + 1 / 3)
HG = H
HB = IIf(H < 1 / 3, H + 2 / 3, H - 1 / 3)

R = H2C(X, Y, HR)
G = H2C(X, Y, HG)
B = H2C(X, Y, HB)

End If

RGB = CLng("&H00" & _
Right$("0" & Hex$(Round(B * 255)), 2) & _
Right$("0" & Hex$(Round(G * 255)), 2) & _
Right$("0" & Hex$(Round(R * 255)), 2))

MsgBox RGB
'returns 4210752

End Sub

Tony Jollans

The way I wrote the articles is perhaps slightly confusing and Part 1 does
include an empty QuerySchemeColor, and then, later, a version with some
code; then in Part 2 I provide yet another version of it.

You are using the (second) version from Part 1, not the version from Part 2.

Again, the RGB parameter is output from (not input to) the HSLtoRGB routine.


Max said:
I'm using the correct code (there's no actual code in part 1's

I thnk I'm calling HSLtoRGB correctly, with 4 arguments:

HSLtoRGB RGB(79,129,189),0,0,.25

Why would "RGB(79,129,189)" return 0? Shouldn't RGB(79,129,189) return
long RGB value of "R79, G129, B189"?

In any case below is a copy of the code I'm using. The only modifications
I've made to your posted code are as follows:

In Colours2 I added "Call QuerySchemeColor(HexString)" to Case FF and
commented out the messagebox line in that case. That added line is a copy
and paste of your code at Case D4 To DF.

In QuerySchemeColour I added the following lines at the end. I only did
this because it seems that HSLtoRGB isn't recognising the function RGB as
valid first argument - I figured I'd try passing a long value as the first
argument to see if I got any different results.Dim lngr As Long
Dim lngg As Long
Dim lngb As Long
Dim lngrgb As Long

lngr = CLng("&H" & Mid$(ThemeColorHex, 7, 2))
lngg = CLng("&H" & Mid$(ThemeColorHex, 5, 2))
lngb = CLng("&H" & Mid$(ThemeColorHex, 3, 2))
lngrgb = RGB(lngr, lngg, lngb)

HSLtoRGB lngrgb, 0, 0, 0.25

In HSLtoRGB I added "MsgBox RGB" to the end to display the RGB value that
that macro ends up with. (Can I make a suggestion? Isn't RGB the name of
VB function? You might want to change the name of that variable.)

No matter what selection I run Colours2 from, HSLtoRGB returns "4210752".

From the following code can you see what I'm doing wrong?

Thanks again, code follows...

Sub Colours2()

Dim HexString As String
HexString = Right$(String$(7, "0") & Hex$(Selection.Font.Color), 8)

Select Case Left$(HexString, 2)

Case "00"
If HexString = "00C8C67F" Then
MsgBox "The colour of the Selection is not all the same"
MsgBox "The colour is an RGB value:" & vbCr & _
"Red: " & _
CLng("&H" & Mid$(HexString, 7, 2)) & vbCr & _
"Green: " & _
CLng("&H" & Mid$(HexString, 5, 2)) & vbCr & _
"Blue: " & _
CLng("&H" & Mid$(HexString, 3, 2))
End If

Case "FF"
Call QuerySchemeColor(HexString)
'MsgBox "The colour is set to the default of 'Automatic'"

Case "80"
MsgBox "The colour is an OLE Color"

Case "D4" To "DF"
Call QuerySchemeColor(HexString)

Case Else
MsgBox "The colour is of an unknown type." & vbCr & _
"The code is: 0x" & HexString

End Select
End Sub

Sub QuerySchemeColor(HexString As String)

Dim SchemeColorByte As String
Dim ZeroByte As String
Dim DarknessByte As String
Dim LightnessByte As String

Dim SchemeColor As Long
Dim Darkness As Long
Dim Lightness As Long

Dim SchemeColorName As String
Dim TintingAndShading As String

SchemeColorByte = Mid$(HexString, 1, 2)
ZeroByte = Mid$(HexString, 3, 2)
DarknessByte = Mid$(HexString, 5, 2)
LightnessByte = Mid$(HexString, 7, 2)

SchemeColor = "&H" & Right$(SchemeColorByte, 1)

' New variables
Dim ThemeColor As MsoThemeColorSchemeIndex
Dim ThemeColorRGB As Long
Dim ThemeColorHex As String

' Changed translation, now to theme colour scheme index
Select Case SchemeColor
Case wdThemeColorMainDark1: ThemeColor = msoThemeDark1
Case wdThemeColorMainLight1: ThemeColor = msoThemeLight1
Case wdThemeColorMainDark2: ThemeColor = msoThemeDark2
Case wdThemeColorMainLight2: ThemeColor = msoThemeLight2
Case wdThemeColorAccent1: ThemeColor = msoThemeAccent1
Case wdThemeColorAccent2: ThemeColor = msoThemeAccent2
Case wdThemeColorAccent3: ThemeColor = msoThemeAccent3
Case wdThemeColorAccent4: ThemeColor = msoThemeAccent4
Case wdThemeColorAccent5: ThemeColor = msoThemeAccent5
Case wdThemeColorAccent6: ThemeColor = msoThemeAccent6
Case wdThemeColorHyperlink: ThemeColor = msoThemeHyperlink
Case wdThemeColorHyperlinkFollowed:
ThemeColor = msoThemeFollowedHyperlink
Case wdThemeColorBackground1: ThemeColor = msoThemeLight1
Case wdThemeColorText1: ThemeColor = msoThemeDark1
Case wdThemeColorBackground2: ThemeColor = msoThemeLight2
Case wdThemeColorText2: ThemeColor = msoThemeDark2
Case Else: ' This shouldn't really ever happen
End Select

' Pick up the RGB and translate to a hex string
ThemeColorRGB = _
ThemeColorHex = Right$(String$(7, "0") & Hex$(ThemeColorRGB), 8)

Lightness = 100 - ("&H" & LightnessByte) / &HFF * 100
Darkness = 100 - ("&H" & DarknessByte) / &HFF * 100

If Lightness = 0 Then
If Darkness = 0 Then
TintingAndShading = ""
TintingAndShading = ", Darker " & Darkness & "%"
End If
TintingAndShading = ", Lighter " & Lightness & "%"
End If

Dim lngr As Long
Dim lngg As Long
Dim lngb As Long
Dim lngrgb As Long

lngr = CLng("&H" & Mid$(ThemeColorHex, 7, 2))
lngg = CLng("&H" & Mid$(ThemeColorHex, 5, 2))
lngb = CLng("&H" & Mid$(ThemeColorHex, 3, 2))
lngrgb = RGB(lngr, lngg, lngb)

HSLtoRGB lngrgb, 0, 0, 0.25

' Display the colour instead of the scheme name
MsgBox "The colour is: " & _
"Red: " & CLng("&H" & Mid$(ThemeColorHex, 7, 2)) & _
", Green: " & CLng("&H" & Mid$(ThemeColorHex, 5, 2)) & _
", Blue: " & CLng("&H" & Mid$(ThemeColorHex, 3, 2)) & _

End Sub

Sub HSLtoRGB(RGB As Long, H As Double, S As Double, L As Double)

Dim R As Double
Dim G As Double
Dim B As Double

Dim HR As Double
Dim HG As Double
Dim HB As Double

Dim X As Double
Dim Y As Double

If S = 0 Then

R = L
G = L
B = L


Select Case L
Case Is < 0.5: X = L * (1 + S)
Case Else: X = L + S - (L * S)
End Select

Y = 2 * L - X

HR = IIf(H > 2 / 3, H - 2 / 3, H + 1 / 3)
HG = H
HB = IIf(H < 1 / 3, H + 2 / 3, H - 1 / 3)

R = H2C(X, Y, HR)
G = H2C(X, Y, HG)
B = H2C(X, Y, HB)

End If

RGB = CLng("&H00" & _
Right$("0" & Hex$(Round(B * 255)), 2) & _
Right$("0" & Hex$(Round(G * 255)), 2) & _
Right$("0" & Hex$(Round(R * 255)), 2))

MsgBox RGB
'returns 4210752

End Sub


Sorry Tony there are two versions of QuerySchemeColor in Part 2. I didn't
realise that, because they look similar.

I used the second version and got the RGB results you mentioned, 55, 96,
146. Close enough, so that's great, EUREKA!

Thanks so much for your patience, I hope you understand my confusion.

While I'm on the subject of my confusion (I'm obviously a bit dim), I'm
confused when you say
Again, the RGB parameter is output from (not input to) the HSLtoRGB routine.

Since HSLtoRGB is a sub not a function how does it output (return) something
to Colours2? Yet when I commented out HSLtoRGB from QuerySchemeColor the
results changed so obviously it's outputting somehow, changing some value for

I'm also confused when you say that the RGB parameter is not input to
HSLtoRGB. The RGB parameter is the first parameter required to be supplied
to HSLtoRGB:
Sub HSLtoRGB(RGB As Long, H As Double, S As Double, L As Double)

HSLtoRGB generates an error "Argument not optional" when you leave out that
RGB parameter, so it has to be supplied (input) to that sub, yes?

I assumed that since your code requires a parameter called RGB and it's
long, when you call it from QuerySchemeColour you can pass any valid long RGB
value. That's why I passed it the value returned by the built in VB function
RGB, which is supposed to return a long RGB value.

Thanks again!

Tony Jollans said:
The way I wrote the articles is perhaps slightly confusing and Part 1 does
include an empty QuerySchemeColor, and then, later, a version with some
code; then in Part 2 I provide yet another version of it.

You are using the (second) version from Part 1, not the version from Part 2.

Again, the RGB parameter is output from (not input to) the HSLtoRGB routine.

Tony Jollans

Glad you're sorted.

I was trying to keep things simple (or as simple as I could) - and clearly
failed - and wanted to avoid defining (and describing) a user-defined type
for the HSL values.

There are different ways to pass parameters but by reference (ByRef) is the
default. This means that you pass references to variables in the calling
routine which the called routine can access, and change.

In this case the caller passes references to four variables - an RGB
variable, an H variable, an S variable and an L variable. The called
HSLtoRGB sub reads the values from the H, S, and L variables, calculates the
equivalent RGB value and puts it in the caller's (passed) RGB variable. When
the sub has finished the caller can then look at its own RGB variable to
find the result.

It wasn't particularly designed for stand-alone use, just being part of the
whole presented solution. The version that will (shortly) be on my own web
page will (a) have a user defined type and (b) a function that, I hope will
be easier.

It is easy to assume everybody understands something that is obvious to me,
and it is helpful to me to see other people's sticking points so that I can
(try to) improve my presentation. Thank you.

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