Word 2007-format a text form field as a phone number



Hi - does anyone know if you are able to format a form field in Word 2007 to
include "telephone" characters? My user would like to to type:
and have it display automatically as:
(315) 555-1212

I know how to do it in Access, but can't seem to figure it out in Word.

Thanks for any suggestions! :)

Stefan Blom

Unprotect the form. In the Text Form Field Options dialog box for the
relevant field, set the "Type" of field to "Number." For "Number format,"
specify (###) ###-####. Select "Calculate on exit" and click OK. Reprotect
the form.


Thank you very much for your response, Stefan. I could not find the answer to
my question by searching, so posted the question. I have been having problems
NOT receiving responses (even with Notify me of replies checked), and could
not find my original post. I couldn't believe it when I searched and saw that
this question had been posted several times by others - I have NO idea how I
missed all the posts in my first search. I never received notification that
you responded to me. I guess that was the long way of saying that I truly
appreciate your time and your information. Thanks!

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