WORD 2007 format changes when "backspace" is pressed.


Ron G

Word 2007 is driving me crazy on this one. When I backspace, the formant
and/or font size and/or font itself changes. I normally use Times New Roman
12. If I back space to correct an error, for to six words in front of where
I backspaced will change formatting to italic and 10 pt font, or turn into
courier 10 pt, or some other variation. I have to actually move the cursor
and use the delete key to make changes without disturbing the font format.

Herb Tyson [MVP]

1. Has this been happening all along, or did it just suddenly start

2. Does it happen in all documents, or just in one document?

If the answer to #1 is no, then try rebooting.

If rebooting doesn't fix it, and the answer to 2 is just in one document,
then that document is probably corrupted. Is this a .doc or a .docx file?

If the answer to #2 is All documents, then what happens if you start Word
2007 in Safe Mode? Press Ctrl as Word is starting, then say Yes to starting
in Safe Mode.

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