Number_8 said:
In Word 2007, when applying a change to one area of text, it applies the same
formatting to the whole document. I have seen previous threads that talk
about modifying styles but cant seem to access that within Word 2007. Can
anyone help - before I uninstall and revert back to an older version?
We're running Word 2007 on Windows XP.
I am seeing this problem as well in my file. I am using the
Compatibility Pack to open a very simple document that was created in
Word 2003. The document is a copy of Word 2003's It has a
bulleted list (which uses the List Bullet style) and a paragraph (which
uses the Body Text style).
I ran the Cindy's macro in both Styles and in both cases, it indicated
that the Auto Updating feature is set to False.
If I click in a paragraph in the list, display the paragraph formatter,
and click the "Tabs..." key, then my Body Text immediately inherits the
Paragraph attributes of the List and it gets a hanging indent. These
changes effect my Body Text paragraphs as SOON as I click the "Tabs..."
key; I don't have to actually apply a change or click "OK" for the
formatting of the Body Text paragraphs to shift.
If I don't do that ^^^ and instead, click in the Body Text, raise the
paragraph formatter, and click the "Tabs..." key, all of my lists are
immediately formatted to take on the Body Text's Paragraph attributes
and the space below increases by 6pts.
Clicking "Cancel" in the Paragraph Formatter does not undo these
formatting changes. You have to use Word's Undo feature.
If I take any of these described actions to the file with Word 2003, no
weirdness happens.
Could this be related to the fact that I'm using Word 2007 on XP? ...or
that I'm using Word 2007 on a machine that has both Word 2007 and 2003?
The problem is reproducible on my machine and three others at my work.