Word 2007 Getting rid of standard templates



I've posted this questions before, I'd love to somehow get rid the the
standard templates that are automatically installed with Word. So far the
responses I've gotten indicate it's not possible... great... so does anyone
know how I can push them to the end of the line so that my template tabs
appear first?? This is so annoying!!

Terry Farrell

No. It is a hideous change from the way previous versions worked. At least
you could uninstall the supplied templates in previous versions and
reorganise the tabs by numbering them. In Word 2007, you have no control.

Another example of the Word Gestapo at work.

If it helps, you could put your templates as shortcuts on your desktops to
open up directly to a document created fro the template (but not that
convenient if Word is already open). You could also make commands and add
them to your QAT. But that may be hopeless if you have loads of custom

Personally, I only use 12 templates, so I have simply put them all in the
General Tab so at least I can get at them reasonably quickly. You can order
them in under the General tab by adding a number prefix.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

I'd never actually realized that the tabs are in alphabetical order in the
File New dialog (I'm not sure they always were), but I'm curious as to why
mine run in this order:

Front row: General, Publications, Clients, Correspondence, Envelopes, Jack,
Labels, Legal Pleadings
Back row: Microsoft Merge Templates, Microsoft Templates, Microsoft Wizards,
Other Documents, OTT, Rotary

Everything seems to be entirely alphabetical except for "Publications" being
oddly out of order. The only reason I can think of is perhaps that that is
the name of one of Word's built-in tabs.

Also, in case anyone is curious, the reason for the three "Microsoft" tabs
is that I saved copies of all the built-in templates so that I have them
available to assist users. The Legal Pleadings tab was created because Word
seemed to insist on having the Legal Pleading template there. Since I have
few enough tabs and not much trouble finding them, I haven't bothered to try
to combine or eliminate.

Terry Farrell


I'm not sure that previous versions were forced in alphabetical order
either, but they were removable.

But is your list example showing which tabs you are seeing in Word 2007? If
so, how did you get rid of

Faxed Letters OtherDocuments Reports Resumes

....because those are what we would like to get rid of?


Suzanne S. Barnhill

Those are in Word 2003, but they are also what I see if I use Office Button
| New | My Templates (or corresponding QAT button) in Word 2007. If is use
the New Document or Template QAT button, I get them all.

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA

Terry Farrell said:

I'm not sure that previous versions were forced in alphabetical order
either, but they were removable.

But is your list example showing which tabs you are seeing in Word 2007?
If so, how did you get rid of

Faxed Letters OtherDocuments Reports Resumes

...because those are what we would like to get rid of?


Terry Farrell

Yes. I see what you are doing. Unfortunately, I cannot find a way of getting
directly to that dialog without going through the menus. I'm going to ask
the VBA experts...


Suzanne S. Barnhill

Yes, unfortunately there's no specific command for it that can be added to
the QAT, but at least adding the New... (or whatever it's now called)
command to the QAT reduces it to two clicks.

Terry Farrell

That's true but brings us back in a full circle as to how to remove all the
Microsoft installed templates (and unwanted tabs). <g>


Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Martinson,

Which template dialog are you using in Word 2007 (there is more than one that can be installed <g>) and what are the steps you're
using to access it.

Was Office 2007 installed fresh or is this an upgrade over an earlier version?

What edition of Office 2007 are you using.

I've posted this questions before, I'd love to somehow get rid the the
standard templates that are automatically installed with Word. So far the
responses I've gotten indicate it's not possible... great... so does anyone
know how I can push them to the end of the line so that my template tabs
appear first?? This is so annoying!!
martinson portland >>

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*


Same issue here. Office 2007. There is no option to remove sample
templates from Setup. What's the deal?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

The deal is that Word 2007 doesn't provide any way to remove or uninstall
the default templates. Period.

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA

Same issue here. Office 2007. There is no option to remove sample
templates from Setup. What's the deal?

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

And in replying to that message you answered none of the questions that were asked.

===========Same issue here. Office 2007. There is no option to remove sample
templates from Setup. What's the deal? <<

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*


File / New tabbed version of the dialog. Using Office 2007 Standard
Ed. SP1. The default templates are in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office
\Templates\1033 and if you remove them, they still show up in File /
New. In previous versions of Word, removing the sample templates was
enough but that's not the case anymore. There is no option in Add/
Remove or Setup to NOT install Sample templates for Word (or at least
in Word 2007). This is a fresh install of Office not an upgrade.


I've found this key that holds information about those different


When I renamed it, the default templates and tabs no longer show on
the File/New.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Whoa! That's useful information! So this makes File | New the equivalent of
My Templates? But can you still access the default templates some other way?

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA

I've found this key that holds information about those different


When I renamed it, the default templates and tabs no longer show on
the File/New.

Terry Farrell


Well done. I admire your persistence in finding this key.

I've noted that in addition to the global removal of all the installed
templates, you can also rename the key for individual templates and
therefore keep selective templates if you want.

Blank normal and blank XML are fortunately retained even when globally
renaming the key.

Again, many thanks for this tip.

Terry Farrell - MSWord MVP

I've found this key that holds information about those different


When I renamed it, the default templates and tabs no longer show on
the File/New.

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