Word 2007 - inserting name/address



In Word 2003 I had created and saved many addresses in (I believe) Autotext
and used to insert them in letters etc via Autotext.

I understand Autotext is not available in Word 2007 - what is the best way
to save addresses and then insert them in documents? Should I create these
in Outlook contacts and bring them in from there? If so, how would I import
them from Outlook?


Jay Freedman

In Word 2003 I had created and saved many addresses in (I believe) Autotext
and used to insert them in letters etc via Autotext.

I understand Autotext is not available in Word 2007 - what is the best way
to save addresses and then insert them in documents? Should I create these
in Outlook contacts and bring them in from there? If so, how would I import
them from Outlook?


AutoText certainly _is_ available in Word 2007. What is not available
is the "autocomplete" tool tip and the ability to insert the AutoText
entry by pressing Enter when the tool tip appears -- instead you have
to type part or all of the AutoText entry's name and press F3.

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
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Graham Mayor

As Jay has indicated Autotext is still present, but you would still probably
be better using Outlook to store addresses. You can add the Insert Address
button to the QAT, or if you feel a bit more adventurous you could use vba -
see http://www.gmayor.com/Macrobutton.htm

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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I have looked at All Commands but can't see Insert Address there. Where
would I find this button?

Graham Mayor

My apologies - it's actually called Address Book ... from All Commands
(Insert Address is the tool tip) :eek:(

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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