Word 2007 line or connector


Joël Cavoizy

In the toolbox of word 2007, there is no more icon (compared at word 2002)
to draw a FREE straight line or polygonal line.
The line always connects to an existing shape.
The only line remaining free is the curve.

Herb Tyson [MVP]

In the Insert tab, click Shapes. You should find what you're looking for
under Lines. 2nd from the right is Freeform, but for a line connecting
shapes, I would just use a plain line.

Joël Cavoizy

If I insert the line before OK. but if I draw a shape first (circle,
rectangle) and move near my new line, the anchor points of the shape appear
and my line irremediably sticks on one of these points.

Herb Tyson [MVP]

I'm not seeing what you're seeing. If I insert several shapes, then use the
Insert Shapes gallery (in the Drawing Tools Format ribbon tab) to draw a
line, it goes where I want it to go... and even if it doesn't go precisely
where I want, I can drag it to the desired location.

I wonder if you're doing something more complicated than I am. Can you take
me through the steps so I can replicate what you're seeing?

Herb Tyson MS MVP
Author of the Word 2007 Bible
Blog: http://word2007bible.herbtyson.com
Web: http://www.herbtyson.com

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