Colin Halliday
I have a Word 2003 fax coversheet template that works fine when creating a
new document in Word 2003, but causes an error when creating a doc from it
in Word 2007.
The user tabs to a text box called "From" and it runs the following code:
If ActiveDocument.FormFields("From").Result = "" Then
With ActiveDocument.FormFields("From")
With .TextInput
.EditType Type:=wdRegularText, Default:=Application.UserName
.Width = 0
End With
End With
End If
It crashes on the .EditType line where it attempts to fillin the user's name
from the username setting inside of Word.
The error is 5224 "This is nat a valid selection".
I have set Macro Security to "Enable all macros" and "trust access to the
VBA project object model".
I have added the Workgroup Templates folder location to the Trusted
Locations list. I have ticked the "Allow Trusted Locations on my network"
check box.
Thanks for any assistance.
new document in Word 2003, but causes an error when creating a doc from it
in Word 2007.
The user tabs to a text box called "From" and it runs the following code:
If ActiveDocument.FormFields("From").Result = "" Then
With ActiveDocument.FormFields("From")
With .TextInput
.EditType Type:=wdRegularText, Default:=Application.UserName
.Width = 0
End With
End With
End If
It crashes on the .EditType line where it attempts to fillin the user's name
from the username setting inside of Word.
The error is 5224 "This is nat a valid selection".
I have set Macro Security to "Enable all macros" and "trust access to the
VBA project object model".
I have added the Workgroup Templates folder location to the Trusted
Locations list. I have ticked the "Allow Trusted Locations on my network"
check box.
Thanks for any assistance.