I believe what is happening in this case is that
a. Word is trying to connect using the OLE DB provider
b. it either fails because that provider is not present or because the
table name is in the wrong format for the provider. The ODBC dirver
expects something like
Select * from MM.dbf
(this is what Word generates when you try to connect manually using ODBC)
but the OLE DB provider expects something more like
Select * FROM [MM]
Select * FROM `MM`
However, both the OLE DB provider and ODBC driver that I have here (as
it happens, it's the ACE provider/driver) accept any of
Select * FROM [MM]
Select * FROM `MM`
Select * FROM [MM.dbf]
Select * FROM `MM.dbf`
FWIW the error I see here is
"Error has occurred: The Microsoft Access database engine could not find
the object 'M.DB'. Make sure the object exists and that you spell its
name and the path name correctly."
i.e. the first and last characters of the name have been stripped.
I believe that Word will do (a) because you are specifying the .dbf
pathname in the Name parameter /and not/ specifying a Subtype parameter
equal to wdMergeSubtypeWord2000 (i.e. 8). As it happens, I thought Word
XP/2003 also did that,but perhaps the behaviour was slightly different,
or perhaps it used the OLE DB provider in those versions too, but the
unquoted file name worked in those cases. You can probably find out by
inspecting ActiveDocument.MailMerge.DataSource.connectString in Word
2003 (I wouldn't try in Word XP - it may still crash if you do that). If
the string starts with DSN, it's ODBC; if it starts with Provider, it's
Here, I can get Word 2007 to connect using ODBC either by setting Name
to "", or by setting it to the pathname of the .dbf /and/ specifying the
wdMergeSubtypeWord2000 subtype value. FWIW at one time I think you had
to specify wdMergeSubtypeWord2000 in all cases where Name was set to
"", but I think an update modified that behaviour.
If it doesn't matter whether you use the ODBC provider or the OLE DB
driver, you could see if the dBase equivalent of
.OpenDataSource _
Name:="C:\wbdb\db3\KUNDNDB3.DBF", _
sqlstatement:="SELECT * FROM [KUNDNDB3]"
works on all the versions of Word you support after Word 2000.
All the above assumes that you can use the dBASE provider/driver (which
is part of Jet/ACE) and that you do not have to use the FoxPro
driver/provider, which is a different thing altogether.
FWIW the properties of the "dBASE Files" DSN here (Vista 32-bit SP1,
Word 2007 SP1) show that it is using the newer ACE driver. Modifying it
to use the older Jet driver made no difference to the behaviour of the
OpenDataSource code I tried here.
Peter Jamieson
Hi Peter,
The code is in Dbase Plus, but it has a similar format to VB. Hope you
can tell from this what the datasource issue might be. As I said, this code
has worked perfectly for years thru to Word 2003.
oMerge.OpenDataSource( cDSname_, ; // name
0, ; // Format - wdOpenFormatAuto
false, ; // ConfirmConversions
true, ; // ReadOnly
true, ; // LinkToSource
false, ; // AddToRecentFiles
"", ; // PasswordDocument
"", ; // PasswordTemplate
false, ; // Revert
"", ; // WritePasswordDocument
"", ; // WritePasswordTemplate
"DSN=dBASE Files;DBQ=" + cDSpathOnly_ + ";", ;
cDSsql )
cDSpathOnly_ = path to file e.g., C:\APPTMP
cDSname = name of dbf datasource file e.g., MM.dbf
cDSsql = sql statement e.g., Select * from MM.dbf
Many thanks again,