word 2007 Marking legal citation in footnote



Prior to 2007 (we skipped 2003), we began on page one of the legal document
and worked our way down the document, marking the citations as they appeared
in the document. The exception to that was footnotes; when we arrived at the
footnote marker, we'd check to see if it contained a citation. If it did, we
would mark the citation in the footnote, return to the marker location, and
continue marking the rest of the document. In 2007, it appears that
citations appearing in footnotes must be marked as if the footnote lived at
the bottom of the page rather than at the marker.

We've tested marking citations in footnotes the old way, moving text around
in the document, remarking, etc., and found that footnote citations marked at
the footnote marker in the text can actually get a short citation before a
long citation and not appear in the table.

I've searched everywhere I can think of but am unable to confirm this
change. Can anyone shed light on the issue?

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