Word 2007: Missing items in the lists dialogue box??



I just made the transition form 2003 and 2007. To my supprise there are no
customizing text position options in the bulleted and numbered list anymore???
Only the option is (partly) available in the 'more levels' dialogue box.
How do I adjust the first line or hanging indent of numbered paragraph? It
is possible if i put a tab and use tabkey to move the second line, but i
would be supprised if this would be the new way to go...

Second thing i'm missing in the ouline number formats (mulitple levels) is
the 'previous level number' option.....

I also miss some usefull things in Styles, but is for another post.
Although 2007 has definitly improvements (i.e. more logical grouping of
facilities), but other 'dissapeared' items worry me a bit.

kind regards

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