Word 2007 Mouse won't work and Will Not Exit



I am using Word 2007 on Vista 64. When I use Word, my mouse quits workings
and when I click to exit, it comes up with a littel window that says Word Has
Stopped Working, then another little window comes up and says Word is
Restarting. It does just this and when I try to exit again, it does it again.
I have to click cancel on the two little windows that come up for it to
actually exit. I purchased it a few months ago but have had serious family
illnesses which took my time away from figuring out how to fix it. Can
someone help me?



Barbara said:
I am using Word 2007 on Vista 64. When I use Word, my mouse quits workings
and when I click to exit, it comes up with a littel window that says Word Has
Stopped Working, then another little window comes up and says Word is
Restarting. It does just this and when I try to exit again, it does it again.
I have to click cancel on the two little windows that come up for it to
actually exit. I purchased it a few months ago but have had serious family
illnesses which took my time away from figuring out how to fix it. Can
someone help me?


Did anyone help you? I'm a grant writer, and having to edit my narratives by
maneuvering around with arrow keys and tabbing is driving my nuts!
I can't seem to get an answer. I hope you found a solution, and PLEASE share
it if you did.


I've been having the same problem. Found your thread before I found the

It involves modifying the registry, but the instructions are VERY clear.

The only confusing point might be when it says to delete a particular key,
you are going to delete the whole DATA folder.

I've been ready to give up on Word 2007 because of this.


Amy said:
I've been having the same problem. Found your thread before I found the

It involves modifying the registry, but the instructions are VERY clear.

The only confusing point might be when it says to delete a particular key,
you are going to delete the whole DATA folder.

I've been ready to give up on Word 2007 because of this.


Amy said:
I've been having the same problem. Found your thread before I found the

It involves modifying the registry, but the instructions are VERY clear.

The only confusing point might be when it says to delete a particular key,
you are going to delete the whole DATA folder.

I've been ready to give up on Word 2007 because of this.

This fixed MY problem. I had Word running overnight and work up to find an
auto reboot forMS updates took place causing this problem. It's too bad
Microsoft does not look for such things and use a pop up warningme to exist
word prior to reboot. Ah - simplicity...


Thanks, but, delete is not an option when I go to the edit tab. What am I
doing wrong? thanks. Mary

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