Word 2007 Normal Template



I've set up the normal template on my computer with all the
styles/themes/colours etc that I want to use.

How do I now transfer the normal template (it's attributes etc) to other
independant computers (i.e replace their normal template with mine)?

Many thanks.

Beth Melton

Helenh said:
I've set up the normal template on my computer with all the
styles/themes/colours etc that I want to use.

How do I now transfer the normal template (it's attributes etc) to other
independant computers (i.e replace their normal template with mine)?

Locate Normal.dotm in your Templates folder. An easy way to find it is to
use the Open dialog box and on the left, if using Windows XP click "Trusted
Templates" . If using Vista click "Templates". The Normal.dotm will be in
the folder.

Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP
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