Word 2007 problem



I have Acrobat 5.0 and Acrobat Distiller 5.0 installed and just installed
Office 2007. In Word 2007, when I try to print a document to the distiller
(to make a .pdf) the phrase "Word is preparing to background print the
document" appears down below with a progress bar which shows no action.
Finally, if I click anywhere on the document, it shows "(not responding)" at
the top and I have to do a CTRL-ALT-DEL to end the task. The same thing
happens with Excel 2007.

Thanks in advance,


Herb Tyson [MVP]

To add to what Chester said, Adobe Acrobat 7 and earlier don't seem to get
along all that well with Word 2007 (I haven't tried version 8). I find that
I can print to the Adobe PDF "printer", but that other features don't work
(and having the PDFMaker add-in loaded slows Word 2007 down when switching
between windows). I'm using Adobe Acrobat Profession 7.0, and removed the
add-in and things work better (I can still print to the Adobe PDF Printer).
I do find that Adobe's own tools produce .pdf files that are somewhat more
compact than the free Office 2007 XPS/PDF add-in capability. I don't know
that the same would be true of Acrobat 5's capabilities, though.

Herb Tyson MS MVP
Blog: http://word2007bible.herbtyson.com
Web: http://www.herbtyson.com
Book: http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-0470046899.html
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