Word 2007: quotation marks issues



I know there was a post about Word 2003, but that didn't solve my problem.
Every time I enter a quotation mark, I have to press space or it either
doesn't show up or changes to another symbol when I add in a vowel. My
language settings are all English and I am operating in Windows Vista. Please

Herb Tyson [MVP]

It sounds like you're using a United States - International keyboard. Try
just plain US, and it should work as you expect. Right click the language
bar icon on the Windows taskbar, and choose Settings, etc. Or, if your
language toolbar has a keyboard symbol, click on it (left mouse button) and
if US is listed (without "International"), then click on it.


Weirdest thing: it has always been on the US setting (not International), and
that didn't work. That's why I posted the question. I changed it to the
International keyboard and then back to the US keyboard, and now it works
fine. Thanks for your help.

Herb Tyson [MVP]

There were probably some binary bits stuck in your computer's teeth. ;-)

I'm not sure why, but sometimes "jiggling" the settings works. It's a bit
like tapping on a television to bring it back to its senses.

Herb Tyson MS MVP
Author of the Word 2007 Bible
Blog: http://word2007bible.herbtyson.com
Web: http://www.herbtyson.com

seminarystudentpa said:
Weirdest thing: it has always been on the US setting (not International),
that didn't work. That's why I posted the question. I changed it to the
International keyboard and then back to the US keyboard, and now it works
fine. Thanks for your help.

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