My Ribbon has completely disappeared.
before it did so i was in word options from the menu trying to change it so
that instead of saving automatically to docx it saved to doc. so the ribbon
has gone. the only thing in its place is the bar that allows me to minimise,
maximise and close the window. in trying to edit my documents this is making
me entirely frustrated. i've tried hitting Ctrl+F1 to no avail. Help! before
i verbally abuse someone...
before it did so i was in word options from the menu trying to change it so
that instead of saving automatically to docx it saved to doc. so the ribbon
has gone. the only thing in its place is the bar that allows me to minimise,
maximise and close the window. in trying to edit my documents this is making
me entirely frustrated. i've tried hitting Ctrl+F1 to no avail. Help! before
i verbally abuse someone...