Hi Derek,
Do you think since the Save As PDF format will be available in Word that
this could maybe happen on the server? I will research the mechanics on my
own, but this would be fascinating of Doc to PDF could be done on a server
without loading Word.
The option to which you refer will certainly NOT enable this. *IF* it is
included in the final release (the blog to which Jay points you says it may
not), it would only be available through the automation interface, just as
saving to RTF or some other file format.
AS to whether you could have premade documents and load data into them: Yes,
the XML file formats would allow you to do this. Exactly how would depend on
what approach you choose. If you were, for example, to insert ContentControls
into the document you could map them to xml elements in a specific XML "part"
(an XML file within the entire ZIP file that makes up a Word 2007 document).
That's easier than "parsing" Word2003 WordML.
Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
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