The Word General forum gets a lot of traffic, so you could probably post
questions in there and get quick replies. However, I'll try to give you an
answer all the same.
My news reader program is showing almost nothing for it! Maybe that's
another problem.
In the 'Styles' Group on the 'Home' tab, click on the Dialog Box Launcher
button in the lower right corner. This will display the 'Styles' Task Pain,
which works very much like the one in Word 2003. The main difference is that
it's not "dockable",
It is very appropriate to use the word "pain", and not "pane" - I hope
you did that on porpoise! I know the uselessness of that list, hence
my post.
but it does show you the style of the current selection.
Not - or not always, or only if you take the trouble to select
part/all of the paragraph first? I haven't used 2007 enough yet to
have deciphered all its rules.
In addition, the style of the current paragraph should be highlighted
automatically in the 'Styles' Group, although the highlight _can_ be a bit
Should be, but many times is not, hence my post.
What's further irritating is that you have to fart around and scroll
thru the stupid overly-large icon crap just to see if word is actually
going to list your current style there when the way it was shown in
2003 (and EVERY PREVIOUS WORD VERSION) was so simple, useful, and
conserving of space. I think the marketing idiots have finally
displaced most of the remaining actual utility in word.
My question still stands. You haven't told me anything new or useful,
but thanks for responding anyway.