Word 2007 spell check not working properly



I can not seem to make spell check work. It will not recognize any words
that I know that are spelled wrong. It will auto correct words like thier,
dont, ect.

If you have any suggestions, any help would be appreciated.

Tony Jollans

Spell Check and AutoCorrect are two different things. And you don't make
clear what exactly you arfe doing that isn't working?

There are several options that may affect spell checking - whether it's
automatic (Tools (or Office Button on 2007) > Options > Spelling and Grammar
tab (or Proofing tab on 2007) > Check spelling as you type) - whether it's
done at all (check the formatting or style for "Do not check spelling or
grammar") - whether the language is set to what you think it is (Tools >
Language > Language Settings) - or whether Word thinks the document has been
checked (Tools > Options > etc > Recheck Document).

Robin K.

I am using Word 2007; have tried highlighting the entire document, then go
and select "recheck document." Still nothing changes. I will purposely
change a word to an incorrect spelling and it will not highlight it or any
other words that I see that are misspelled.

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