Word 2007 - still missing


Michael Müller

I were really eager to have a look at the Beta 2007 and I am very
disappointed. Small features I miss now longer than a decade have not done
it into the new version.

No guidelines

No CMYK colors

No PDF import

I don't need a new user interface; I just need some minor improvements!!

I don't need Office 2007

Michael Muller


Most any Page Layout program will give you everything you want - and more.
Most Word Processing programs won't, and I wouldn't expect them to any time

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac


To me it does not seem important any of the features you have just mentioned
apart from PDF import.... but the color thing seems like no big problem to
include and seems sort of stupid that you can not use this format already....
sort of like the indexing functionality in word, i dont use that but i know
it should be there.

As for the guidelines.... maybe published is more of a layout tool? Maybe
word should have some options like this in page layout or even posibly a
section layout tab!

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Mick,

FWIW, if you have Acrobat Reader v7 you can import single pages from a PDF file as objects (pictures) into Word 2003 and 2007. Word
is still limited to a single page size for an object/graphic, so it doesn't 'unstack' PDFs or Multipage TIFFs.

There aren't guidelines (guides?), although a ruler to ruler crosshair cursor would be useful <g>, but you can set a snap to grid
and use it like pieces on a chessboard to move items around in increments that you can set, but that's also available in earlier

Word 2007 does have the ability to save in both PDF and MS XPS format. The XPS document format output is interesting.

For the colors, Windows has been basically modeled around RGB. Word can accept CMYK color models in some graphic formats, but it
doesn't provide (except in Publisher) tools to be able to specify colors in that model.

I generally use one of the screen tools such as Pixie or ColorPix which can read a screen color value and copy it to the clipboard
in a number of formats including CMYK. Without the ability to do color separations in Word the CMYK capabiltiies are somewhat
limited as a 'feature'.

To me it does not seem important any of the features you have just mentioned
apart from PDF import.... but the color thing seems like no big problem to
include and seems sort of stupid that you can not use this format already....
sort of like the indexing functionality in word, i dont use that but i know
it should be there.

As for the guidelines.... maybe published is more of a layout tool? Maybe
word should have some options like this in page layout or even posibly a
section layout tab! >>
I hope this helped you,

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

Read about it, try it, or watch the movie :)
the 2007 Microsoft Office system iinfo is at

Already have 2007 Office System Beta 2?
Send Microsoft your feedback (with pictures)

Michael Müller

Hi Bob
RGB Photos are not the problem with Word anymore, because with Acrobat 7 it
is straightforward to "change Color" of the generated PDF with a profile to
CMYK. But for the headlines, borders, and fills CMYK would be very useful.
Right now, we have to run Pitstop to change the values from RGB to CMYK.

Michael Müller

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