Word 2007 tab stop spacing




I am testing a Microsoft Access 2003 application in Microsoft Access 2007
and I notice a difference when I export a report to Word (using 'Publish
with Microsoft Word' in Access 2003 and 'Export to RTF file' in Access

The difference is the space between the fields in the table layout. The
fields are seperated by tab stops and the records should be displayed like:

Company name Employee Phone
Microsoft Access Corp. John Doe 01010101

In Word 2003 this is correct, but in Word 2007 I see the records like this:

Company name Employee Phone
Microsoft Access Corp. John Doe 01010101

The free space that Word 2007 maintains between the fields (or columns if
you like) appears to be 0 centimeters/inches, where it seems to be about 1
centimeter in Word 2003. Therefor the tab stop for the next column 'is too
far to the right' for texts that are exactly as long as the field/column is
wide and the column is not straight anymore.

How can I resolve this?


Doug Robbins - Word MVP

The way in which Word lays out text is highly dependent upon the
Printer/Printer Driver combination.

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

PamC via OfficeKB.com

Are the font and point size exactly the same in both versions? If not,
change those settings in W2007 to match those in W2003 and see if the columns
fall into place.
Other options:
1. Select the entire tabbed list and click on the ruler to assign new tab
positions (& override the defaults).
2. Select the entire list and convert it to a table.


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