Word 2007 Tabs



Is there any way to get the look and feel of Word 2003 while in Word 2007, as
to the way the control features were displayed constantly at the top of the
screen? I find the new pull down menus to be time consuming and hard to
comprehend the logic/organization. Would be a nice feature to be able to
recreate the same controle feature set just like 2003 had. Granted I am
just getting started in using Word 2007, but would like to hear the opinion
from others? Or maybe that capability is already in there somewhere.


I, too, don't like the new toolbar set up in Office 2007. It takes far more
time to click to find the features you want, which doesn't strike me as much
of an upgrade. The new layout is irritating and by no means intuitive. I'm
hoping the toggle feature will fix it. I really hate it when they make
drastic changes to the programs like this.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Blame the cat again.

Hope this helps.

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services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

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