It's not clear which registry patch you ran, but presumably, it's the one
that adds a NoReReg item for Word 2003 in the registry.
Assuming that Word 12 was the last version to run and go through the
initialization exercise, after the NoReReg item is added for Word 12, Word
2007 would need to go through the initialization exercise one more time.
After that, however, neither program would go through it anymore.
Are you saying that Word 2007 (Word 14) has gone through the setup routine
multiple times after the NoReReg item was added? If so, then it might be
that your Windows User profile has become corrupted. I would create a brand
new Windows User, and then:
1. Run Word 2003 once, letting it do the setup routine.
2. Add the NoReReg registry value for Word 12.
3. Run Word 2007, letting it do the setup routine.
At this point, neither version should now need to do the setup routine
Of course... this then leaves you having to customize the new user to your
preferences. But, assuming the new user solution works for you, it's often
ultimately less work than continuing trying to wrestle with an unyielding