Word 2007 - Template Icon



How do I change the default template icon for my templates in this New
Document dialogue? The default icon is a corner folded page with a few
horizontal lines (mimicing text) and a large "X" at the bottom of the page -
this is the icon for dotx files that I've created (when viewing the "Blank
and recent" templates).

In Word 2007, when one selects "New" to create a new document, the New
Document dialogue opens up. Included in the display of available document
templates are templates that I've created. In "Blank and recent", the
template icons vary... the ones that I've created show a few lines mimicing
text, and then a large "X" at the bottom of the page. The icons for
templates that I've downloaded provide a preview of the layout.

How do I change the default template icon in this New Document dialogue?
Can I change it to a custom icon, or only a preview?

Thanks for your help.

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