Word 2007 template




I would like to create a Word 2007 template to be used by several writers.
This template will include Content Controls but I would like the writers
themselves to chose where the Content Controles should be placed. But I will
define which Content Controls they can use and the values of them will be
specified in a XML Mapping file.

For example:
The content control will be the variable <car>. Different writers should be
able to use this word on the places they like.

So one user will write:
I like <car>. That is the best brand on the market.

Another user will set the variable in a different sentence:
I do not like <car>. I think they are ugly.

Depending on the XML mapping I use. I would like to replace the value of the
variable. But the template should enable the users to put the variable
whereever they like in the word file.

Will that be possible? And how can this be done?


Cindy M.

Hi =?Utf-8?B?U0o=?=,

It should be possible, but you'd have to create the interface for inserting the
Content Controls, rather than allowing the user to work in the Developer tab.
One possibility would be for you to customize the RibbonX for the template with
a custom tab. The buttons on the tab would call back to macros in the project
that perform the actions (such as inserting the Content Control mapped to the
appropriate XML).
I would like to create a Word 2007 template to be used by several writers.
This template will include Content Controls but I would like the writers
themselves to chose where the Content Controles should be placed. But I will
define which Content Controls they can use and the values of them will be
specified in a XML Mapping file.

For example:
The content control will be the variable <car>. Different writers should be
able to use this word on the places they like.

So one user will write:
I like <car>. That is the best brand on the market.

Another user will set the variable in a different sentence:
I do not like <car>. I think they are ugly.

Depending on the XML mapping I use. I would like to replace the value of the
variable. But the template should enable the users to put the variable
whereever they like in the word file.

Will that be possible? And how can this be done?

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Jun 17 2005)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or reply
in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)


Thank you Cindy!

I am a beginner on this though and am just theoretically trying to solve my
problem at the moment. When you say "customize the RibbonX", how can that be
done? Can this be solved by editing the XML files or do I have to to do it in
another way?


Cindy M.

Hi =?Utf-8?B?U0o=?=,
I am a beginner on this though and am just theoretically trying to solve my
problem at the moment. When you say "customize the RibbonX", how can that be
done? Can this be solved by editing the XML files or do I have to to do it in
another way?
I can be done by editing the XML files. I suggest you start with Patrick
Schmid's blog: pschmid.net

Further information can be found here:

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Jun 17 2005)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or reply
in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)

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