Word 2007 test drive

  • Thread starter Pat-southern-California
  • Start date


I am using the Word 2007 test drive but am unable to change my ruler to
inches. It is correct in my Tools - Options - Measurement.

Any suggestions?

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

See the "Strange Ruler Measurements" item on fellow MVP Graham Mayor's
website at:


Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Pat,

If you're using the Online Test Drive for Office 2007 the default setting for the ruler matches the regional settings on your PC.
For Southern California should be Inches in Word.

If you're using either the online Test Drive or the Download of Office 2007 Beta 2, you can use Alt+T,O to get to the Word 2007
settings and in the Advanced section choose the Display category and you should be able to change the settings there.

The only 2007 app that has a Tools=>Options=>Measurement Units
choice would be Publisher 2007 and in the online test drive you should also be able to choose inches, but you may find that you
need to select another choice (okay) then reaccess it and select inches again. (It can also depend on which of the template sizings
you opened).

I am using the Word 2007 test drive but am unable to change my ruler to
inches. It is correct in my Tools - Options - Measurement.

Any suggestions?>>
I hope this helped you,

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office system products MVP

LINKS to the 2007 Office System

1. Read about it, try it, or watch the movie :)
the 2007 Microsoft Office system info,
online Test Drive, or downloadable beta is at

2. Already have 2007 Office System Beta 2?
Send Microsoft your feedback (with pictures)

3. Use the 2007 OfficeOnline website without Office2007

a. Install the ActiveX access control
b. then visit http://officebeta.iponet.net

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