Word 2007 Upgrade Questions



Hi, Getting ready to upgrade from 2003 to 2007 (under XP). Can anyone provide
answers to:
1) I have macros attached to a custom toolbar - what will happen to this?
2) My normal.dot is highly customized with styles, margins, auto text, etc.
- what will happen to this?
3) Saving as 2003 version from 2007 - any issues?
4) Any other input?
Thank you.

Cindy M.

Hi =?Utf-8?B?S2FyaW4=?=,
Getting ready to upgrade from 2003 to 2007 (under XP). Can anyone provide
answers to:
1) I have macros attached to a custom toolbar - what will happen to this?

The custom toolbar will appear in the Add-ins tab on the Ribbon. As long as
the things the macros are doing are still supported in the same way in Office
2007 (generally the case) everything should continue to work as before, except
that you'll always have to switch to this Tab in order to use the toolbar.

You should be able to put any (or all) the macros into your QAT. You can
either use Word Options/Customize to link buttons directly to your macros. Or
you can right-click the buttons in the old toolbar and choose to add them to
the QAT.
2) My normal.dot is highly customized with styles, margins, auto text, etc.
- what will happen to this?

You should back it up, "just in case". And for me that would include using the
Organizer to copy the styles, macros and AutoText to a second *.dot template
that you could use as a global add-in template. But the upgrade installation
should pick it up and convert it to a Normal.dotm file and continue to use it
as the default.
3) Saving as 2003 version from 2007 - any issues?
Nothing I know of that isn't described in the KB articles (conversion of 2007
objects not supported in earlier versions to static objects, that kind of

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Jun 17 2005)

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