word 2007



Can I have a template where I have question 1 and have five or more answers
to it..Like A,B,C...etc and then be able to set up those choices so that only
the answers that I click on show up and the one I did not click on don't.
Usually I will check more than one answer for the specific question

I am able to do a similar task using the drop-down menu and the check boxes
however the drop down is very time consuming and the check box system issue
is that boxes that are not checked will stay on the template which can create
some confusion
Alternatively is it possible to set up a text (a word or two) where when I
click on it can have a line going across it to show that it is negative
Alternatively is it possible to set up a word where when I click on it
change between a preconfigured2-3 options I.E. no pain/ some pain /severe
If you do help I would like to invite you to come to our facility and see
the wonderful work we do
If you can help please tell me where I can go get a software and if there is
a specific lingo to those features that I am looking for so that I can
communicate better with regard to this subject

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