WORD 2007



We use automation in VB6 to drive Word. The program is not small and it
works great with every version of Word.

We do not know what to expect from WORD 2007. Our question is what should
we expect and what should we be looking for?

Cindy M.

Hi =?Utf-8?B?QVdJY3VycmVudA==?=,
We use automation in VB6 to drive Word. The program is not small and it
works great with every version of Word.

We do not know what to expect from WORD 2007. Our question is what should
we expect and what should we be looking for?
Hard to say without knowing what your application works with :)

Generally, what worked in previous versions should continue to work. One big
change is that customizations to CommandBars will all display in a single
Ribbon tab (Add-ins).

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Jun 17 2005)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or
reply in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)


As the application is totally automated, we would expect the ribbon to not be
in play.

I assume we are not making calls in the older versions via the menu
selections. But if the ribbon is changing any of the behind the scenes
calls, that would be what we want to know.

In addition our software (and Word for that mater) is frequently not even
running on the user's machine but rather one that is unattended. Therefore
errors would be a very bad thing!!!

Steve Rindsberg

As the application is totally automated, we would expect the ribbon to not be
in play.

I assume we are not making calls in the older versions via the menu
selections. But if the ribbon is changing any of the behind the scenes
calls, that would be what we want to know.

With every new version, things break, sometimes very obscure things.
It's reasonable to ask about known problems here but in the end you'll certainly
need to test your own app with the new version of Office. You can download a free
trial version, by the way.

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