Word 2008 and iPhoto Images


John Chambers

I get the following message in place of where the image should be when I
drag (or cut and paste) an image from iPhoto into a MS Word document. The
text inside the image is VERY small, I have to zoom to 500% to read it. The
message is reads "QuickTime and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are
needed to see this picture." I tried trashing my preferences file
(com.microsoft.Word.plist) and it did not help. I tried using images
created from 4 different cameras (Olympus C4000Z, Canon PowerShot S400,
Canon SD 630, and Canon Rebel XTi ).

I can successfully import the image files (.jpg, not RAW) into Word by using
the Insert/Picture/From File... function, but that is extremely impractical
for more than one or two images. It would appear that I can also drag (or
cut and paste) some images that have been edited (ie crop, fix color, etc)
by either iPhoto or PhotoShop Elements (I don't know which yet).

Before I spend too much more time on this I just wanted to throw it out here
to see if anyone else has seen this before.


iBook G4
OS X 10.4.11
Word 2008 (12.0.0)
iPhoto 2008 (7.1.2)


John Chambers

Daiya Mitchell

Why, yes, I can replicate that problem! Please Help | Send Feedback to
report the bug. I'm on a powerbook g4 with 10.4.11 also.

HOWEVER--I was able to successfully drag and drop directly from iPhoto a
picture taken some 10 years ago with smaller file size and a different
camera, so it seems to be picture dependent.

Word 2008 has an internal iPhoto browser--View | Object Palette and
select the camera icon and it will access your photo library. I was able
to drag and drop a picture that way that failed with direct drag and
drop (taken recently, 2.4MB instead of the successful 600kB pic, testing
all with .jpgs). That may be a faster workaround. Another approach might
be a Browse iPhoto automator action in the system script menu.

John Chambers

Thanks for the reality check. I just did the Help | Send Feedback thing.

The Object Palette is a good workaround for this.

I agree about it being picture dependent, but from my testing is isn't file
size. Some other embeded JPEG entry that PS Elements may strip out when
saving. (just guessing right now, I don't know how to view JPEG header/file

Thanks again,


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