A good starting point would be asking here for help. What do you need to do?
Basically, you learn to deal with AppleScript and Automator, but I'm
finding a number of people think they need scripts for things that don't
require scripts at all. Also, it's possible that the built-in Automator
actions will help (not included with Home and Student).
I assume when you say the built in Automator actions, you mean the
actions that are listed under Macros in the Tools menu. I checked
but none fit my requirements. In any case even if they did, I did not
any way to assign them to a keystroke combination as a shortcut.
At this time there are two things I need to do:
One is that I use Paste Special for one thing and one thing only: to
paste unformatted text. However, although I was able to assign a
shortcut to Paste Special, it still requires a mouse click or a down
arrow and a Return--an additional two keystrokes. Now this may
not sound like very much, but when it has to be done several
hundred times a day, the extra keystrokes add up. I would like to
be able to automatically paste unformatted text with a single key
The second is that I only use two or three English fonts and one
Japanese font and specific point sizes with each. In Word 2004,
I was able to create macros for these and assign them to