Hi Charles;
To answer the question in your other post first: Crash logs usually don't
mean much to the users who reply in this group. It really takes a software
engineer to make heads or tails of those. If a highly technical somebody
happens to come along they may request the log but it would normally be
tendered off line -- those things are usually just too lengthy for what this
group is geared to do & posters can provide the important details far more
concisely... Such as:
What is your full current update level of both Office & OS X?
What programs seem to be most likely to cause the crash -- can you reproduce
the crash consistently? Is there any sort of error message? If so, what is
the exact wording? When did this start happening & what changes may have
been done on the Mac around that time?
My gut reaction is that it isn't a problem with Word itself, but that it
lies with those other programs or more likely with OS X. That can't be
confirmed or addressed without the info requested above.
Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac
I have word 2008 and have had a problem that when I launch another
program or close another program, Word frequently crashes. It does
not matter what the application is. Word is fine so long as another
program does not launch or quit.
I have the same behavior on a fresh test account.
I have uninstalled office entirely, including all preference files,
and reinstalled.
The console does not give helpful information:
6/5/09 2:44:53 PM com.apple.launchd[97]
([0x0-0xdd0dd].com.microsoft.Word[1053]) Stray process with PGID equal
to this dead job: PID 4146 PPID 1 Microsoft Error
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks. I forgot to include version info. I am running Word version
12.1.7 and Mac OS X 10.5.7, which are both the latest version at this
point. I have a Penryn Macbook Pro. I have Endnote X2 installed
(build 3889) and MathType (v 6.0), but I have uninstalled both and
they do not seem to have an effect. I have repaired permissions. I
have spaces turned off.
It started the day that I installed Word 2008, last year sometime. I
decided to go back to 2004, because I didn't need 2008, but enough
people I work with have gone to Word 2007 and for the documents that I
encounter version translation was an issue, so I thought that I would
reinstall 2008.
The maddening thing is that it is sporadic. Some days it crashes
constantly and others not at all. So there is something that is
different, but I can't figure out what. I think that Word knows that
I am watching, because it hasn't crashed since I posted a couple of
days ago, which is the longest stretch in weeks. I will post an error
message when I get it, but if I recall, the error is just "Word has
encountered and error and needs to close."
The interesting thing is that when Word is crashy, any program that I
launch or quit will cause word to crash if the program has a dock
icon. If it does not (e.g., menumeters), then there is no effect.
Neither of the other office applications (powerpoint, excel) have a
problem. None of the other programs that I run crash. Things are
very stable on my system, I generally reboot only when required by a
security or OS update.
Maybe I will make the dock icons really small so that the size doesn't
change when I launch or quit programs and see if that helps.