Word 2008 Notebook view formatting issue


Will P


Upgraded last month, while the whole package is fairly buggy, I'm willing to
roll with it until the dev team iron out most of the kinks.

One thing is starting to annoy the hell out of me though: Every time I save
a .docx notebook, when I reload it the header on the first section now has
about 4 blank lines before the actual header, the tab is blue and renamed to
'section 1'. No matter how many times I readjust it, it's the same when I
reopen. I'm at the point where I'm archiving my class notes for the semester,
so it'd be nice to get everything nice and tidy for the CD.

Any thoughts? I went through all the steps of deleting old pref files etc.,
I'm not sure if going back to .doc will fix it, but as there's a lot of
equations in the notes I don't want to end up with them permanently blurred.



Hi Will -

This sounds like something MacBU is aware of and may be addressed in the
update we're all expecting to arrive soon.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

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