Word 2008 really, really slow



Apologies - I've posted this query in office.mac as well, but haven't
received a reply, so am posting here.

I've just installed Office 2008 and Word lags behind my fingers by about 20
characters, even in draft view. This is very disconcerting as I write
directly onto the screen. I also interview people often, typing as they
talk. This is very difficult to do when Word is a few words behind!

I have an iBook with a 933 MHz G4 processor and I'm running OS X 4.11. I
can't upgrade to 5 yet because I have one app that still runs on Classic and
need to use it for another few months.

I've removed Word, Excel and PowerPoint 2008 but kept Entourage 2008 because
I need some emails received since upgrading. This seems to be okay with
Office 2004 running.

Am I doing anything wrong? Is there any way I can speed up Office 2008?


Hi Stephe -

I hate to be the one to break it to you, so I'll try to be as gentle as I
can:) Your trusty little iBook just doesn't have the horsepower to haul
Tiger & Office 2008 - Max RAM for that model is 640 MB & you need *at least*
1 GB to get any kind of acceptable performance. Combine the limited memory
with the other restrictions of the G4 architecture & the lag is quite
understandable. Leopard would make it worse, not better.

I'd suggest you stay with 2004 until you're ready to upgrade to a newer Mac.
You should have no problem with what you're currently doing as long as you
don't attempt to run Entourage 2004 now that you're using the 2008 version -
it would wreak havoc with the database file.


Thanks! Yup, 2004 and Entourage 2008 seem to be working okay for me
(actually, Entourage 2004 kept crashing and 2008 seems pretty stable, so all
in all, I'm pretty happy).

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