Word 2008 Unable To Reopen It's Own Document Previously Made on Word 2004



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: intel

I have a particular document previously made under Word 2004 with structure and styles applied (Heading, Body Text, etc.) that was later edited using Word 2008. The document itself contains no picture, the styles used were only Title, Heading 1, Heading 2, Body Text, and some bullets. I can then close the document (not quitting the Word 2008 application) and reopen it by double-clicking or using the Open Recent command. I then use the Save As command and selected the format for Word 97-2004 Documents (.doc), have it saved to the desktop. However this file is NOT accepted by other Word 2004 within the network (invalid format). The file is also not accepted by Word 2008 once I close the document.

As a recovery procedure, I was able to open it and save the text (but not formatting/styles) using either my old but trusty Windows Mobile 2003 (Pocket Word, then exported) or using even TextEdit on the mac.

As a note, I did try typing something simple using Word 2008 (no styles) and use the Save As command and selected the format for Word 97-2004 Documents (.doc). It was astonishingly accepted by other Word 2004 within the network and by Word 2008 itself. I also tried opening the original Word 2004 file, selecting the File New command, and copy-pasting the whole content to the new file, use the Save As command and selected the format for Word 97-2004 Documents (.doc), and this new file (not really an import anymore since I created the file with the File New command) WILL WORK with both Word 2004 and Word 2008.

Please advise what kind of issue I am facing and whether if there's a possible workaround/update that I might miss.

System Quick Reference
Word 12.0.1 (080305)
Microsoft AutoUpdate 2.1.1
Mac OS X 10.5.2

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