Word 9.0 Restore default toolbars in cusom template file



Hi All,

I'm looking all over the place to find reference for this. I need to open a
Word template (.dot) and display it in a viewer, but I've noticed some of
our thousands of templates have custom toolbars saved with them. Is there a
way I can automate removal of all non-standard toolbars or maybe a function
I can invoke that restores it to default or even ignores custom toolbars all

I'm using automation inside C# with the Word 9.0 library on a server side
background process. It basically picks up Word dots, modifies and saves

Any suggestions will be appreciated!

Nathan Bridgewater

Cindy M.

Hi Nathan,
I'm looking all over the place to find reference for this. I need to open a
Word template (.dot) and display it in a viewer, but I've noticed some of
our thousands of templates have custom toolbars saved with them. Is there a
way I can automate removal of all non-standard toolbars or maybe a function
I can invoke that restores it to default or even ignores custom toolbars all

I'm using automation inside C# with the Word 9.0 library on a server side
background process. It basically picks up Word dots, modifies and saves
Well, server-side is a bad idea, in any case, when it comes to automating
office applications... You may want to re-consider this aspect and run it on a
machine where you can dismiss any dialog boxes that pop up.

You could, conceivably, open the templates, set CustomizationContext to the
file you just opened, then do a foreach on the CommandBars collection, checking
the BuiltIn and/or Name property. If it's something you don't want to display,
set the Visible property to false (or delete if it's custom - if you're certain
you want to do this).

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Jun 17 2005)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or reply
in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)


Thanks Cindy!

I looked into this a bit further and found some very strange results. I
wrote a basic app that loops through the CommandBars collection and sets all
menus' Visible to false (with exception ot Menu Bar).

//oDoc is the loaded template file.

this.m_WordApp.CustomizationContext =
foreach(Office.CommandBar bar in oDoc.CommandBars)
if (bar.Enabled && bar.Visible && !bar.Name.ToUpper().Trim().Equals("MENU
bar.Visible = false;

While I was testing this, I would frequently test my normal Word behavior to
see what menus globally are affected before and after running this script.
My end goal is to remove a Reviewing menu bar that only appears when you
open this one template file. What I'm getting when I run this script is
removal of all toolbars (naturally), but from the global whatever that
they're stored in and not just the template itself, so when I open normal
Word up, the toolbars are also missing.

Afterwards, when I re-add the standard and formatting bars to normal Word
and then re-open the modified template file (with a new instance of Word),
they show up in the template like they should without the Reviewing bar. I
then open up the original template file and the Reviewing bar is there like
you would expect. Then immediately after, if I open up the modified template
file, the Reviewing bar is back. This is the quirky thing I can't seem to
get a grasp on.

I also ran this script without the context change which produced the same

Any ideas? Like I said, my main goal is to remove the Reviewing bar from
appearing when you open this specific template file.

Thanks for your help!

Cindy M.

Hi Nathan,

The Reviewing "toolbar" is special. Although I can no longer remember the
details of how it worked in Word 2000, its appearance is usually linked to
something in the document/template. Does this template contain tracked changes?
Or is that functionality active in the template?

Please note, also, that using ActiveDocument can be tricky. Are you sure you're
executing this when a document attached to this template is active, and not
another one? I also note that you can't actually automate the Word Viewer. I
answered your first question literally, without going into any of the
I looked into this a bit further and found some very strange results. I
wrote a basic app that loops through the CommandBars collection and sets all
menus' Visible to false (with exception ot Menu Bar).

//oDoc is the loaded template file.

this.m_WordApp.CustomizationContext =
foreach(Office.CommandBar bar in oDoc.CommandBars)
if (bar.Enabled && bar.Visible && !bar.Name.ToUpper().Trim().Equals("MENU
bar.Visible = false;

While I was testing this, I would frequently test my normal Word behavior to
see what menus globally are affected before and after running this script.
My end goal is to remove a Reviewing menu bar that only appears when you
open this one template file. What I'm getting when I run this script is
removal of all toolbars (naturally), but from the global whatever that
they're stored in and not just the template itself, so when I open normal
Word up, the toolbars are also missing.

Afterwards, when I re-add the standard and formatting bars to normal Word
and then re-open the modified template file (with a new instance of Word),
they show up in the template like they should without the Reviewing bar. I
then open up the original template file and the Reviewing bar is there like
you would expect. Then immediately after, if I open up the modified template
file, the Reviewing bar is back. This is the quirky thing I can't seem to
get a grasp on.

I also ran this script without the context change which produced the same

Any ideas? Like I said, my main goal is to remove the Reviewing bar from
appearing when you open this specific template file.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Jun 17 2005)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or reply
in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)


Thanks Cindy! I think that's exactly what it was. Wow I think I overkilled
that one. I'm an Office noob! :)

I ended up turning on and off "Track Changes", then removed the Reviewing
command bar, and saved the template file. The bar doesn't show when I open
that template. Even if I open the original one first.

Thanks so much!

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