zkid said:
I have no idea how much this costs, but at least check out this site:
However, that being said, I believe you are severely limiting yourself by
not using at least Office XP, especially considering that you are using
Windows XP and have full 32-bit capabilities. The VBA programming language
is far superior to the Word Basic language contained in the < 7.0 versions,
especially when it comes to user forms. I cringe at the memory of those
previous versions when I had to actually program the objects on the userform
itself. Ugh, the thought gives me nightmares.
If you want scalability/open source, you might want to look into VB.Net.
Good luck.
Greetings from Montana and thanks for your response! Word 6.0c is still
my preferred word-processor as it meets all my needs very well. And mostly
what I print is all in Courier typewriter with very limited use of other
fonts. (Still have DOS apps in use, particularly databases, as they still do
the job 100%, I'm fully fluent in them, and frankly, just don't have the time
to try and get up to speed on somehing else. I'm just an old computer drudge
and go all the way back to the mainframes of the '60s!) A huge amount of old
DOS "legacy" sw is carefully archived. It's amazing how fast these apps run
on the hi-speed computer!
I do move with the times when a definite benefit can be had, such as
high-speed DSL @ 1.5. My ISP, with many 1000s of users, tells me that over
90% of their users only do internet and a little word-processing, and a
Lindows-Linux system is all they really need.
I do have OpenOffice on the system to cover those rare situations that Word
6.0c can't do, but mostly I use it to convert files from the post-95 apps, in
formats I can't read, and bring it back to Word/Excel- 95. (!!)
Many thanks for your kind help.