Word 97 Docs corrupt when opened in Word 2002


Martin Amos

We have recently rolled out Office 2002. When users open
docs that were created in Office 97 (usually with macros)
they corrupt. If I use the /a or safe switch they usually
open ok. Can anyone help please?


Disable the Office plug-in under Norton Anti Virus.

: We have recently rolled out Office 2002. When users open
: docs that were created in Office 97 (usually with macros)
: they corrupt. If I use the /a or safe switch they usually
: open ok. Can anyone help please?


As it works Ok using the /a switch, it almost certainly means one of two

1. Normal.dot is corrupt: highly unlikely as this would almost certainly
affect new documents that were created using Word XP and not just the legacy

2. You have an incompatible legacy add-in of some kind: this may be a
self-written or third party macro, a template in the Startup folder or
possible a Com add-in in the registry. You will need to eliminate these one
at a time to pi down the culprit.


: Thanks, but we don't use Norton Anti Virus?
: >-----Original Message-----
: >Disable the Office plug-in under Norton Anti Virus.
: >
: >--
: >Terry Farrell - Word MVP
: >http://word.mvps.org/
: >
: message
: >: >: We have recently rolled out Office 2002. When users
: open
: >: docs that were created in Office 97 (usually with
: macros)
: >: they corrupt. If I use the /a or safe switch they
: usually
: >: open ok. Can anyone help please?
: >
: >
: >.
: >

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