Jack Dashiell
About every 6 months Word 97 freezes on my Gateway
computer. I have up to the date virus protection. A
warning message appears "Your system is dangerously low on
resources" when apparently I have plenty of memory & disk
space. Deleting unnecessary files doesn'e help, nor does
defragmenting Drive-C. The only solution I've found thus
far is an extreme one--I have to unistall Windows 98 and
reinstall, and reload a fresh Word 97. Can anyone
enlighten me on this problem, and how I can prevent Word
97 from freezing regularly?
computer. I have up to the date virus protection. A
warning message appears "Your system is dangerously low on
resources" when apparently I have plenty of memory & disk
space. Deleting unnecessary files doesn'e help, nor does
defragmenting Drive-C. The only solution I've found thus
far is an extreme one--I have to unistall Windows 98 and
reinstall, and reload a fresh Word 97. Can anyone
enlighten me on this problem, and how I can prevent Word
97 from freezing regularly?