Word 97 layout issues



At work we use Word 97 but we're experiencing problems
with layout.
1. When copying, cutting or moving text chunks with the
mouse, as it's pasted into the new place it often changes
in size and font (to Times New Roman size 10), even if
the whole document is in another font and size.
Sometimes, making a new paragraph in a document with no
Times New Roman size 10 anywhere, suddenly the new text
will use this format.
2. Pictures and text is a mess. Sometimes it works like a
charm, you can format the picture to align the text
around it, above and below it or not to affect the text
at all. However, most of the time, formatting the picture
results in text disappearing, not to another page or
further down or up, I mean vanishes. The view jumps to
the top of the page as well even if the picture being
formatted is at the bottom. I have tried all the settings
at the format menu for the picture.

My question is: Are there solutions to these problems or
should we simply go buy a newer version of Word?

Best regards /Hanna

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