Word 97 to Word 2000


Jim Y

I have a document written in Word 97. When I give a copy of it to a friend with Word 2000, the page
numbers do not show and some of the graphics do not show. Is there a method to make Word 2000
convert Word 97 to a usable version? If so, please detail the method. Neither I nor the friend
know anything about Word 2000.

Thank you,
Jim Y

Jim Y

I am not sure about that Word 2000 version, it may be newer if one exists.. He does not know what
was on his machine since Word was installed when he got the PC in 2003. Once the PC was set up for
him, he used it as is.

Jim Y


1. Start learning. See the Word MVP site, and read the FAQs.
There are some things about Word's numbering that can cause problems
when moving between different computers, let alone different versions.
2. In the meantime, use something like PDF995 to create a PDF of the
Then you send the PDF, and it CAN'T change due to Word's

3. You might also try saving as RTF, and see if it works better.


Jim Y

I did save it in RTF as a text. The size increased from 979 KB to 18,741 KB (that is 19 times
larger). I have not had time to get the RTF copy to him.
I guess I have to get it to him on a CD.

I was hoping for a "backward" conversion routine built into the newer version of Word, but I guess I
expected too much from MS.

Thank you,
Jim Y

the page numbers do not show and some of the graphics do not show. Is there a method to make Word

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