Hi Frank,
This sounds like Access is putting today's date in as the default.
Try this: .. make a copy of the existing DOB field and place it next
to the existing one, thus: «BirthDate» «BirthDate»
.. select both DOB fields and press Ctrl-F9 to wrap them in a new
field, thus: { «BirthDate» «BirthDate» }
.. position the cursor between the DOB fields and press Ctrl-F9 to
insert a new field, thus: { «BirthDate» { } «BirthDate» }
.. fill in/around the DOB fields, thus:
{IF«BirthDate»<>{DATE} «BirthDate» }.
.. add a date switch to ensure the DATE field is formatted the same
as your dates from Access are displayed, thus: {DATE \@ dd/MM/yyyy}
.. press F9 to update the display
.. run your mailmerge.
[MVP - Microsoft Word]
Frank said:
Word merges date of birth correctly where listed in Access records.
However, if Access field is blank (no DOB entered) then Word
inserts the current date. I just want a blank entry if Access field
holds no DOB.
Would be very grateful for help.