Ian Yorke
In our Database we have lookup tables for city and state. example
CityId City StateID State
10 New York 50 NY
11 Atalnta 51 GA
our customer table has many fields: FirstName, LastName, Company, City,
State, etc.
City and State uses the look up tables described above to get their values.
We created a query based on the customer table to create mailing envelopes.
the problem is that word show only the CityID and StateID in word example
John Smith
Smith Company
11 51
Instead of : Atlanta Ga
CityId City StateID State
10 New York 50 NY
11 Atalnta 51 GA
our customer table has many fields: FirstName, LastName, Company, City,
State, etc.
City and State uses the look up tables described above to get their values.
We created a query based on the customer table to create mailing envelopes.
the problem is that word show only the CityID and StateID in word example
John Smith
Smith Company
11 51
Instead of : Atlanta Ga