It is easy to create an add-in. Add-ins are essentially code containers.
This means a .DOT file.
Write the code you want in code modules (a VBA Project), and then save it as
a .DOT file.
That is it. It is now, technically, an add-in.
These can be:
1. loaded automatically on Word starting - put the .DOT file in the Startup
2. loaded dynamically, but manually (via menus) - Tools > Templates > Add...
3. loaded dynamically via code
AddIns.Add FileName:="X:\Templates\Finance\", Install:=True
Add-ins can be available (showing in the add-in list) and NOT installed, or
available AND installed. They can be both uninstalled, and uninstalled and
removed from availability.
For example, I have a an add-in with many string manipulation procedures. I
have an add-in that contains a lot of procedures dealing with bookmarks. I
like to keep things clean, so I make a specific add-in available and install
it only when I need it. When I am done, I remove it.
I use a short-cut key that toggles the add-in in and out - if the add-in is
there, it removes it; if it is not there, install it.